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18. Svetlana [Svetlana]  (21.10.2012 23:45)
I like the teachers day. In this year our teachers were Ann and Olesya. The lesson was great. In my opinion they are wery good teachers. But I don't want to be e teacher. I think it is not my line. It is very monotonous and backbreaking job, but it is very important.

17. Джавадова Лейла   (15.10.2012 19:32)
I liked teacher's day.I thnk it is a really fascinating and magnificent day because at thi day pupils in eleventh and tenth form can teach us instead of real teachers.They perpared a lot of exercises for us and can speak with friendly.I do not want to be a teacher bacause this profession is not for me and it is not prestigious nowadays.But the teacher"s profession is important.Teachers give young pupils thier big experience.

16. Daniil   (14.10.2012 19:05)
Hello. I really like Teacher's Day. But I don't want to be a teacher. In my opinion teacher is not my job. I don't have any skils. I want to be a musician. I want to play punk rock and enjoy my life cool

15. Штыхно Полина   (14.10.2012 18:51)
In my opinion the teacher's day was fantastic.Ann and Olesya are deserving change of Marina Nikolaevna. They could to become a teachers and lead the creative and exiting lesson. So, I don't want to be a teacher because it is very backbreacking and requiring a lot of love to all pupils profession. I suppose it's not for me.

14. Korovkin Alexey   (12.10.2012 21:21)
I really like the Teacher's Day. I enjoy it every year. smile This year we had two nice teachers (Olga and Olesya). There were very beautiful and fantastic. But I don't want to be a teacher. This is because I don't have the special ability to teach people. But I still respect people who do it.

13. Ionow Danila   (12.10.2012 18:15)
October 5th we had a teachers day.Our teachers were Ann and Olesy.In my opinion they were a very good teacher because they dont stop lesson when we cry and to tell a lot of enteresting things. When i grow up i want to teach some pupols to history and dot want to teach for math because its monotony and backbreaking work .

12. Olga   (12.10.2012 15:36)
October 5th we had a Teacher's Day! Lesson was serious enough, but at the same time fun. Our teacher was Olesya Pedos. In my opinion it was difficult to conduct a lesson in our class, but we do not stop her. In my future I would like to try myself in the role of teacher. In my opinion it is very interesting, entertaining and rewarding profession, but also difficult, tiring,backbreaking and monotonous job.
Thank you, Teachers!

11. Lara Mescheryakova [Lara]  (05.10.2012 10:21)
Now i really understood what a difficult work is to be a teacher. The most meaningful thing is to explain the material accessibly for pupils and to give them an experience. But fortunately our pupils want to learn and I was glad to conduct the English lesson for them!

10. Anya Saprykina [Anya]  (05.10.2012 10:09)
Happy Teacher's Day. It is so unusual, but you get a huge experiance. The lesson was a little hard at the beginning. But after few minutes pupils became more active and nice. As for me it is very interesting and useful. I like that day!

9. Olesya Pedos [Lesya]  (05.10.2012 09:58)
Today is the Teacher's Day. It's a wonderful holiday for all teachers. They are congratulated by their pupils. And in our school pupils in 10 and 11 forms have lessons instead of teachers. For example, I tought English. I got a great experience. This day was a perfect opportunity for me.
I congratulate Marina Nikolayevna with Happy Teacher's Day!!!

8. Anastasia Makarova [Nastufka]  (19.09.2012 17:19)
Hellow!I go to this course because i want know English and i think that it is my future)So i go to this cource

7. Анастасия Колесникова   (13.09.2012 15:44)
Hello! I choose thus course,because I want to be a translator.I want to be clever and have good marks in sclool.

6. Юлия Сорокина [sorokinayiliya]  (12.09.2012 22:07)
When I grow up, I will choose a profession related to the English language. I hope that I will travel to different countries. English is the most spoken language in the world. So I learn English language with great pleasure. smile

5. yana   (12.09.2012 21:58)
Hellow.I want to learn English because I like it.It is interesting to learn some new things about Eglish people.

4. andrey semevich [maxpain1976]  (11.09.2012 18:42)
Hello! I go to this course because I like English and I want to get KET sertificate. biggrin

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